
Information on Bequests to the Towne Singers Adding the Towne Singers to your will or trust will ensure that the legacy of Phyllis Winnaman continues. Your generosity will allow us to bring music to both current and future generations. Your bequest may be a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder after all other provisions are specified. Note Towne Singers, Inc. is a California Non-Profit corporation: 501(c)(3) – 2029507.  Our federal tax ID number is: 95-4679838. Following is suggested language to use when drafting your bequest. Sample Language For an unrestricted gift that allows the Towne Singers to determine how to use the funds based on the most pressing needs, use the following language for your will and/or trust: "I give to the Towne Singers, a…
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Meet Towne Singers Members

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The Towne Singers has members from all over southern California.  Here are biographies of just a few of our talented members. Ken Kimball (South Pasadena) A Baritone, joined the Towne Singers in 2004.  He relates that membership has provided not only a great vocal learning experience, but also the opportunity to perform at many renowned venues, and the pleasure of working with a great group of people.  Ken has been retired for 6 years from his “day job” as an engineering manager for JPL/NASA's Deep Space Network.  He also sings with the CalPhil Chorale during the summer season. Chuck Hains (Pasadena) Chuck Hains, a Bass 2, joined in 2004.  He missed singing after high school.  He says: “I was urged to join by my wife as well as by my…
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