Meet Towne Singers Members

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The Towne Singers has members from all over southern California.  Here are biographies of just a few of our talented members. Ken Kimball (South Pasadena) A Baritone, joined the Towne Singers in 2004.  He relates that membership has provided not only a great vocal learning experience, but also the opportunity to perform at many renowned venues, and the pleasure of working with a great group of people.  Ken has been retired for 6 years from his “day job” as an engineering manager for JPL/NASA's Deep Space Network.  He also sings with the CalPhil Chorale during the summer season. Chuck Hains (Pasadena) Chuck Hains, a Bass 2, joined in 2004.  He missed singing after high school.  He says: “I was urged to join by my wife as well as by my…
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